What is a Leader?

Leadership is everywhere because everyone can be a LEADER! The term “Leadership” is very broad and is sometimes misunderstood. Generally, Leadership encompasses character traits and skills that parents, educators, community leaders, and business people have identified as essential to succeeding in the 21st century. When discussing leadership at Avant Garde Academy, one should consider:

  • Types of qualities good leaders have:
    • Leaders learn to put the 7 habits into practice so they can be better and effective leaders. 
    • They possess an “I CAN” attitude, aspire to greatness, and have the power to choose.
    • They choose to be leaders because they build a strong foundation in their character. 
    • Great leaders unleash a collective talent and passion towards the right goal.
    • Are committed to use habits of effectiveness as tools.
    • Sustain superior performance.
    • Focus on achieving results and on building capabilities.
  • Examples of positive leadership:
    • Make good choices. 
    • Complete tasks and assignments without being asked. 
    • Make a plan before starting a project. 
    • Set goals.
    • Use time wisely. 
    • Turns homework in on time.
    • Have courage to stand up for what they want. 
    • Are considerate of what others want. 
    • Are good listeners. 
    • Share ideas. 
    • Work well with others. 
    • Respect differences.
    • Embrace diversity. 
    • Take good care of their mind, body, heart and spirit.
    • Help others. 

What leadership looks like in the classroom?

A leadership classroom is a classroom where every student feels safe, welcome and has a sense of belonging at school; one where every member can feel that they are thriving. Leadership classrooms enable a culture of trust and engagement, empowers students to lead their own lives, provide students tools to better achieve goals and encourages students to develop their voice.


The physical environment of a classroom can foster and shape student leadership, leading to a strong emotional environment. Engaged students are more likely to feel ownership, take risks in their learning, develop strong relationships, and build up their leadership skills. It is a great way to develop global citizens.


Physical environment of a Leadership Classroom:

  • 7 Habits are posted:

    • Students see them, speak and hear them, and use them every day.

  • Visible Class Mission Statement

    • Created together, its recite regularly, and keeps the class focused on what matters most, whether in the classroom or not. 

  • EBA display:

    • EBA stands for Emotional Bank Account. Focuses on ways on how to take care of each other. An example on an EBA display can be 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge for the month.

  • Learning target displayed on the white board—or the End in Mind:

    • Helps in staying present in the learning with each other. 

  • Visual display of WIGs:

    • Wildly Important Goals that the school and our class is working on.  

  • Leadership Notebooks:

    • Every student has a notebook which contains individual student goals and lead measure. Helps students track their goals.

  •  Leadership-Roles:

    • Display on the wall- Everyone in each class has a leadership role all the time, so this is where we check in on who is responsible for what.